Jan 17, 2019 12:39 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Oct 04, 2019 12:00 Asia/Tehran]

"The upcoming general strike declared by the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) will have a negative impact on the country's economy", said Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed on Wednesday.

Iran Press/Africa: "The government is disappointed by the general strike of the public sector because it will have a negative impact on Tunisian economy," Chahed said in a brief speech broadcast by national television Wataniya.

The UGTT declared a general strike 'after refusing any government proposals', he added.

Meanwhile, Sami Tahri, deputy general secretary of the UGTT, told reporters that the meeting between Chahed and the UGTT General Secretary Noureddine Taboubi on Wednesday 'lasted only three minutes.'

"The two men did not discuss either the progress of the negotiations or any postponement of the general strike," Tahri said. As a result, more than 1 million employees in the public sector in Tunisia will not go to work from Wednesday midnight under the instruction of the UGTT.

A general strike in Tunisia's public sector had been simmering since Nov. 24, 2018, as the UGTT and the government were trying to seek common ground over salary increases in the sector. 2018/103

Read more:

Live coverage of Tunisian General Labour Union calling for a national strike

39 ISIS escapee terrorist sentences to death in Tunisia
