Jul 04, 2020 11:58 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 06, 2020 18:59 Asia/Tehran]
  • Algeria welcomes remains of fighters against colonisation from France
    Algeria welcomes remains of fighters against colonisation from France

Algeria on Friday received the skulls of 24 resistance fighters decapitated during colonial France's conquest of the North African country that had been lying in storage in a Paris museum.

Iran PressAfrica: Algeria has received the skulls of 24 resistance fighters decapitated during France's colonial occupation of the North African country, and which had been stored for decades in a Paris museum.

The return of the remains comes amid a global reexamination of the legacy of colonialism since the May killing of 46-year-old African American George Floyd by a white police officer sparked mass protests, France 24 reported.

UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet has urged countries to make amends for "centuries of violence and discrimination."

Algeria welcomes remains of fighters against colonization from France

The skulls, once viewed as war trophies by French colonial officers, were flown into Algiers airport on a Hercules C-130 transport plane, escorted on arrival by Algerian fighter jets.

Algerian and French academics had long been campaigning for the return of the skulls.


Read more:

Mass protests in Algeria to celebrate movement's first anniversary
