Jun 03, 2020 01:53 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Jun 03, 2020 05:44 Asia/Tehran]
  • Trump claims he has done more for blacks than any president

US President Donald Trump insisted Tuesday that his administration has done more for the African American community than any president since Abraham Lincoln.

Iran PressAmerica: Trump in a series of tweets cited his administration’s work to enact criminal justice reform and establish federal tax breaks for those investing in underserved communities through opportunity zones as well as the record low unemployment rate among African Americans recorded before the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Trump also said the “BEST IS YET TO COME.”

Lincoln in 1863 signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring slaves in states under Confederate control free and paving the way for the ratification of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery two years later following the Civil War. 

