Aug 21, 2020 06:04 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 21, 2020 06:13 Asia/Tehran]
  • PHOTO: By Flickr
    PHOTO: By Flickr

Belgium announced that the US government could not trigger a snapback of Iran's sanctions through the JCPoA since it "ceased its participation" to the JCPoA in May 2018.

Iran Press/America: Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nation wrote on its Twitter account: 

the case is crystal clear: the USA cannot trigger a snapback of sanctions through the JCPoA since it “ceased its participation” to the JCPoA in May 2018 We must preserve the JCPoA. It’s the only way to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.

It added, "We must preserve the JCPoA. It’s the only way to ensure the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program."

The announcement came as the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that a formal request has been sent to the UN Security Council to ‘snap back’ sanctions against Iran, claiming Tehran violated the 2015 nuclear deal that Washington has unilaterally ditched.

