Aug 23, 2020 00:05 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 23, 2020 00:09 Asia/Tehran]

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit Israel on Monday and travel on to the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday to discuss the countries' normalization deal, an informed source said.

Iran PressAmerica: Also on Pompeo's agenda are security challenges posed by Iran and China in the region, said the source, who declined to be identified by name or nationality.

US President Donald Trump on Thursday 13 August announced an agreement between the UAE and the Zionist regime to fully normalize relations.

Cohen is reportedly one of the people who played a significant role in shaping relations between the UAE and Israel and making it public.

The UAE's move to normalize relations with the Zionist regime has been met with condemnation from many Islamic countries and Palestinian resistance groups.

Following the rejection of its proposed UN Security Council resolution extending indefinitely the arms embargo on Iran, the United States has put activating the trigger mechanism on its agenda, but other Permanent Members of the Security Council have stated that the US does not have the legal authority to activate the trigger mechanism, citing the official withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA. 

US-China relations have been tense since the US President Donald Trump identifies China as the United States’ main rival and has accused President Xi Jinping of taking advantage over trade and not telling the truth over the novel coronavirus outbreak, which Trump calls the “China plague”.

