Aug 31, 2020 16:26 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Oct 31, 2020 08:53 Asia/Tehran]

Yesterday, on the tenth day of Muharram(Ashura), a group of women from the Republic of Azerbaijan mourned in the streets of Baku.

Iran PressAsia: The group was mourning in Shehidler' Khiabani (Martyrs' Alley) and were moving toward the Shiehdler cemetery (tomb of martyrs of Karabakh war).

"Hussain, Hussain is our motto, Martyrdom is our honor," they were chanting.

Imam Hussein ( peace be upon him) and his small group of family members and companions (peace be upon them), has been a source of inspiration for not just Muslims but for all of humanity, throughout history.

Ashura is the culmination of a 10-day annual mourning period in the lunar month of Muharram for Imam Hussein, who was a grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and was martyred along with 72 of his family members and companions in 680 A.D. in a land that is known today as Iraq, after they refused to pledge allegiance to the ruler of the time, Yazid.


Read More:

Iran entirely mourns for Imam Hussain in Ashura

Ashura Noon Prayer performed across Iran

Imam Hussein mourners offer noon prayer of Ashura in Qom
