Jan 16, 2020 13:59 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Feb 04, 2020 14:04 Asia/Tehran]
  • Belarussian Communist Party condemns US assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani
    Belarussian Communist Party condemns US assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani

The First Secretary of Belarus Republic's Communist Party Central Committee condemned the US assassination of top IRGC General and Commander of the elite Quds Force, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, describing the US action as unlawful and treacherous.

Iran PressEurope: The party's official website reported that the Communist Party secretary met with the Iranian envoy to Belarus and remembered Lt. General 'Qassem Soleimani, Iran's National Hero' and expressed condolences over the victims of UIA Flight 752 air tragedy.

He praised Iran's acceptance of responsibility for the incident and referred to the US downing of an Iranian commercial flight (IR655 Airbus) above the waters of the Persian Gulf in July 1988, saying the US never admitted its guilt and never apologized to the Iranian people and government.


Read more:

Origin of Ukraine plane crash was the US shadow of war: Govt. Spox.

Iran's Parliament issues statement concerning Ukraine plane crash
