Jun 08, 2020 10:50 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Jun 09, 2020 12:18 Asia/Tehran]

Several thousand Italians in different cities across the country protested racism and injustice in the US, sparked by killing George Floyd, a black man who died due to police brutality in Minneapolice, Minnesota.

Iran PressEurope: Several hundred people gathered outside the American Consulate in Florence on June 6 as to show their solidarity with "Black Lives Matter", outraged by the killing of an African-American man in police brutality.

George Floyd’s killing set off large protests in all 50 states, most of them peaceful. Protests in other countries around the world, including European countries and Italy followed.

Protesters in the Italian city of Florence condemned racial discrimination and violence by white American police against blacks. They also set the American flag on fire.

Peaceful protests have taken place in several Italian cities, including Naples, Rome, and Turin as well.   205/212

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Thousands of Australians rally in support of the anti-justice movement in the US

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