The 'Hosseini's Three Years Old' conference held at Imam Khomeini's Shrine
Oct 05, 2019 20:08 Asia/Tehran [Updated: May 18, 2020 21:52 Asia/Tehran]
Tehran (IP) - The international conference of Hosseini's Three Years Olds was held coincident with the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ruqayyah bint Al-Husayn.
Iran Press/Iran news: The international conference of Hosseini's Three Years Olds was held nationwide on Saturday with the attendance of Imam Al-Hussein's (A.S.) lovers.
Performing 'Earrings' show for children, in which parts of the Takfiri's cruelty to children in the wars in the Middle East have been shown and performing hymnody by the children were among the different programs of the conference.
The Hosseini's Three Years Olds conference was held also in 800 Iranian cities, attended by thousands of children at kindergartens. 101/207
Read more:
Photo: The Hosseini Infancy Conference being held nationwide
Photo: The Hosseini Infancy Conference held in Ardabil