Mar 23, 2020 21:03 Asia/Tehran [Updated: May 18, 2020 21:52 Asia/Tehran]
  • Maj. Gen. Baqeri: Anti-COVID-19 campaign requires universal determination

Tehran (IP) - The head of Iran's Armed Forces General Staff, Major General Mohammad Baqeri, stressed that the campaign against COVID-19 needs universal solidarity and will.

Iran Press/Iran News: Major General Mohammad Baqeri in his message to China's Chief of Joint Staff of the Central Military Commission Li Zuocheng praised Beijing over helping Iran fight COVID-19 adding that the outbreak of coronavirus has put humanity on a great test to assess their adherence to ethics and attention to philanthropy. 

Iran’s Military Top official went onto highlight that "In this context, China's humanitarian outreach has been widely praised, despite its involvement with the same problem.

In recent days, the Chinese government, people and companies have been providing significant assistance to Iran in the fight against the Coronavirus.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was among the countries that sent medical supplies to China, including 3 million masks and several humanitarian aid shipments, after sympathy with the people and government of China. 101

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Zarif stresses need to counter US sanctions to combat coronavirus

