Jun 27, 2020 16:33 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 31, 2020 21:38 Asia/Tehran]

Tehran (IP) - Vice President and Director of 'Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs', Saeed Ohadi said that Iran's missile power is unique and enemies do not have courage to use the military option against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Iran PressIran News: On the sideline of a ceremony to honor the martyrs of headquarters of the Iran Islamic Republic Party in Tehran on 28 June 1981(known as Haft-e-Tir blast in Persian) attended by official figures, the top official stated when 36 countries supported ISIS, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution predicted the defeat of ISIS.

Iran has experienced sanctions and pressures for 40 years, but the enemies know that it has no courage to use the military option against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ohadi stated.

Ohadi said that the Islamic Republic of Iran's missiles targeted the US military base "Ain al-Assad" in Iraq to take revenge for the assassination of Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani and the United States failed to do anything.

Director of Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs went on to say that Iran's missile power is unique and all have witnessed how the advanced US drone was shot down by Iran's missile.

Ohadi elsewhere highlighted, " 6 Iranian ships carried fuel to Venezuela, which is a sign of Iran's authority and power in the international arena."

Describing martyr Beheshti's character, the official added that the official must learn how to manage the country the same as martyr Beheshti did. He really was a prominent, and wise figure.

On 28 June 1981 (7 Tir 1360 in the Iranian calendar), a powerful bomb went off by the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO or MEK) terrorist group at the headquarters of Iran Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress.

73 leading officials of the Islamic Republic were martyred, including Chief of the Judiciary Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti.


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