Jul 07, 2020 18:19 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Jul 07, 2020 23:38 Asia/Tehran]
  • Claim of blast at Ardakan Nuclear Site refuted

The Center for Public Diplomacy and Information of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has denied the explosion at the site of the Shahid Rezaei-Nejad nuclear plant.

Iran PressIran News: The Atomic Energy Organization's Public Diplomacy and Information Center said in a statement on Tuesday that following the publication of false claims of anti-revolutionary elements in the media about the explosion at the Shahid Rezaeinejad Ardakan nuclear complex in Yazd province,  this is to inform that no incident has occurred in the nuclear complex.

The claim made by anti-revolutionary elements abroad is in line with the Zionist terrorist and war-mongering regime and in order to create a media campaign of despair and to put maximum pressure on the glorious nation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"The satellite images released are not related to this complex," the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said in a statement.


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