Jul 27, 2020 20:06 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Oct 31, 2020 08:53 Asia/Tehran]

Tehran (IP) - The Deputy Governor-General for Economic Affairs stated that according to reports, Tehran Province has a good condition in terms of the reserve of essential commodities.

Iran PressIran News: Referring to the actions of the Market Regulation Work-group of Tehran Province in controlling the prices of essential commodities, Heshmatollah Asgari told Iran Press on Monday that "Good measures have been taken in monitoring and prevention of hoarding of goods, which is effective in controlling prices.”

Deputy Governor-General of Tehran Province for Economic Affairs said on the sideline of a meeting of the Market Regulation Workgroup of Tehran Province that the unregistered warehouses that hoard goods will be dealt with.

He also said that in recent months, the prices of essential commodities other than protein commodities have not had a lot of increase.

The Iranian government currently maintains an official price of 42,000 rials per dollar for imports of staples and medicines.


Read more:

Iran has no problem supplying basic commodities: Interior Min.

Over 639 thousand tonnes of various commodities traded on IME

