Aug 10, 2020 08:59 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 31, 2020 21:38 Asia/Tehran]

Tehran (IP)- Chairman of the Economy Commission of the parliament said that the new approach of the government is the people-oriented economy which forms the roadmap of the parliament in the future, and the parliament hopes to implement it.

Iran PressIran News: In an exclusive interview with Iran press Mohammadreza Pourebrahimi referred to the fact that the country must be an economic enterprise for most people, adding that 50 million people have Justice Shares, and it has been distributed among them.

Livelihood issues are in the parliament's agenda, and the budget structure is one of the important priorities in the parliament, he added.

Reforming the structure of the banking system, which improves the livelihood, economic, and employment conditions, is another plan of the parliament, he concluded.


Read more:

Parliament puts people-oriented economy on agenda: Speaker
