Aug 11, 2020 20:18 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 29, 2020 14:45 Asia/Tehran]
  • Russia, a valuable market for Iran: Diplomat

Tehran (IP) - Iran’s former ambassador to Belarus said that Russia can be a valuable market for Iran and that most of the products that Iran is seeking in the West can be supplied by Russia.

Iran PressIran News: Abdollah Hosseini emphasized that since Russia has more than 20 million Muslims, 2 million in Moscow, Iran, and Russia can improve their cooperation due to these commonalities.

Hosseini said that Russia is considered one of the top countries in the world regarding science and they have performed many scientific projects successfully.

He made the remarks on Tuesday in a meeting held at the International Association of Muslim University Professors, attended by some Iranian and Russian diplomats, to discuss strategic relations between Iran and Russia and expand the cooperation between the two countries.

He highlighted that the Caspian Sea is one of the most important issues between the two countries in both economic and security aspects.

"If we take a look at history, we can see that when the two countries were united, success has been achieved; What happened in Syria and OPEC are clear examples of the fact," the former ambassador added.

"Expanding tourism between Iran and Russia is also recommended," he concluded.

Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian National Academy of Sciences, Elena Dunaeva for his part said that Russia tries to create peace and stability in the region and have peaceful relations with all countries there.

Dunaeva added that military cooperation is suggested between two countries, although both countries consider their own unity and national interests first.

Referring to the unstable condition of the oil and gas market, she noted that Iran and Russia can reach agreements to improve that market’s condition and agree on the price and the amount of export.

"Two countries can reach a positive conclusion after trusting each other fully," she concluded.


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