Aug 26, 2020 08:39 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 26, 2020 11:05 Asia/Tehran]

Tehran (IP) - The Tehran Grand Prix athletics competitions ended with the introduction of the best people in different fields of this sport.

Iran Press/Iran News: In compliance with health protocols during the coronavirus pandemic, these competitions were held on Tuesday night at the Aftab Enghelab Sports Complex in Tehran in the presence of more than 150 athletes.

Athletes competed in the Tehran Grand Prix athletics competitions in 16 types of throws and a variety of sprints and jumps.

Reza Qasemi became first with a time limit of 10 seconds and 67 hundredths of a second in the 100-meter race, and Mehran Hosseini and Amir Mehrdadian came second and third with 10 seconds, 87 hundredths of a second, 11 seconds and 5 hundredths of a second, respectively.

These were also record-breaking in the competitions where Arshia Mossadeghi improved the record for javelin jumping in the junior age category by 20 cm.

Ali Fathi Ganji also improved the national record for Iranian javelin throwers, which he previously held, by recording 73 meters and 12 centimeters.


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