Shaam-e Ghariban ritual held in Shah Cheragh shrine, Shiraz
Aug 31, 2020 08:38 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 31, 2020 14:07 Asia/Tehran]
Shiraz (IP) - The night of Ashura ceremony, called 'Shaam-e Ghariban, meaning “the night of oppressed” was held in the shrine of Ahmad Ibn Musa (AS), known as 'Shah Cheragh' in Shiraz, the capital of Fars province, southern Iran.
Iran Press/ Iran News: Sham-e Ghariban for the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) was held on Sunday night in accordance with health protocols and in the open area of the shrine.
This year, special Muharram mourning ceremonies were held in the holy shrine of Shah Cheragh, different from last year, in accordance with health protocols, with the aim of avoiding coronavirus infection.
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Iran entirely mourns for Imam Hussain in Ashura
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