Jul 10, 2020 23:53 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Jul 11, 2020 00:11 Asia/Tehran]
  • PHOTO: By Reuters
    PHOTO: By Reuters

Iraqi President said on Friday the country will not give up until the remaining elements of ISIS are eliminated.

Iran PressMiddle East: In a statement on the third anniversary of the liberation of Mosul, Barham Salih praised the responsible role of the Iraqi Supreme Religious Authority in the fight against ISIS and its victory over the terrorist outfit.

Saleh also thanked the friendly nation and governments for their contribution to the victory over ISIS through logistical, intelligence, and air support to the Iraqi security forces.

He stressed, "We were able to liberate Mosul and recapture other Iraqi towns and villages from ISIS terrorists with our hard work and courage, and with the will of the Iraqi people and their unity and solidarity."

Saleh added: "We will be relieved only when the last Iraqi displaced, refugee, and asylum seeker returns to their homes and cities and begins a dignified life."

Earlier, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said that religious leaders and their stance had been decisive in the fight against ISIS.

