Sep 09, 2019 15:40 Asia/Tehran [Updated: Aug 31, 2020 21:38 Asia/Tehran]

New York (IP) - The mourning ritual of Tasu'a, the ninth day of Muharram, was held in New York.

Iran Press/America: Shia Muslims across the world are marking Tasu'a, the eve of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH), by holding mourning rituals.

In New York, Shia and Sunni Muslims attended the mourning ritual of Tasu'a, the ninth day of Muharram and the day before Ashura. 

The third Shia Imam, Imam Hussein (PBUH), and 72 of his faithful companions were martyred in the desert of Karbala on the Day of Ashura (10th of Muharram) in the year 680 AD. 205/218

Read more:

Tasu'a mourning ceremony underway in Karbala

People in Tehran Mourn in Tasu'a
